Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Garrett at two months

Garrett is getting so big. Me and Rick weighed him and he was at 14 lbs. We'll know his exact weight on Thursday. He loves to smile and talk. He is such a happy baby. He sleeps at least seven hours a night and if i'm lucky he will sleep eight. Rick usually can get him to sleep at night better than me. I am so sad I only have 5 days left until i start working again and missing all his new tricks. He is the best part of my day. I got lucky when I had him.


  1. He is so stinking cute. I think he gets cuter and cuter the bigger he gets!! I love his smile!! YAY to the 7-8 hours a night! Doesnt that make life so much easier!!

  2. Oh Susie- he is such a cutie! You are lucky to get the 7-8 hours a night of sleep.

  3. He smiles!? I can't wait to see him again, he's so cute!

  4. What a cute boy!! I am so jealous I want to see him!! He has the cutest dimple!!!! Lets get together SOON!!!
