Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Rockys Birthday

Rocky Turned two this year and for his birthday he got a bag full of empty soda and gatorade bottles. I'm not sure if he liked the bag or the bottles better!!


  1. Howfunny! Every dog needs some good garbage every once in a while!

  2. I am glad Rocky had a good birthday. I told Mom that pretty soon she would have a picture of Rocky to put on her brag wall because she couldn't have just one of your kids up there.

  3. im sorry but i dont understand symbols!! i hope this being allergic to him is some weird prenancy thing, i really do like him even though i pretend not to except when he decideds to like my toothbrush, its kinda fowl!! HAPPY VERY LATE BIRTHDAY ROCKY!!

  4. Susie! Thelma needs a boyfriend. We'll be there in July. We need to hook them up.

  5. Rocky really needs a girlfriend too so we really should hook them up!!!
